
"Because I love You" Quotes: Inspirational Love Quotes For Him Or Her

Because I love you quotes are specially crafted for your heart desire. If you have found that heartthrob, tell him or her the reasons you care so much.

"Because I love You" Quotes

"Because I love You" Quotes

1. Because I love you, my heart has remained in constant joy... Now I do not know the meaning of being sad...

2. Someone asked me one time that why I smile so much even in my sleep, I replied "because I love you."

3. I can breathe freely; I can smile widely, I can see the good in people... All this is possible "because I love you."

4. I will pay no attention to my mistakes; I will not be sad in bad moments... Do you know why? "Because I am fortunate to love you."

5. Because I love you, trials and temptations can come in thousand folds... I will overcome them all...

6. “Because I love you", I see things differently, I feel things differently, I even love you differently... Every day.

7. Worry not about tomorrow she said to me... "because I love you."

8. "Because I love you" I would go to great lengths to prove myself to you...

9. Loving you is the most amazing feeling... I wonder if this world was made for me alone "because I love you

10. Goodbye is a sad word.... It is what I was frequently told... However, she said to me... I am here to stay.. " because I love you...

Inspirational Love Quotes For Him Or Her

11. Marry me he said to her... Why? She replied.... "because I love you" he replied back...

13. Nothing is as beautiful, as gorgeous, as wonderful, as certain and as sweet as you..... All these words only come to mind.... "because I love you."

14. Day by day I think about the words I can say to you to convince you that you are mine... I get many why questions... The only answer I have for you my dear is.... "because I love you."

15. "Because I love you" the storms in my life have remained calm...

16. "Because I love you" because I decided to love you... I have no regrets, and I have not looked back... Not even once.

17. She took my hand in hers and said to me "because I love you" I will go through your bad times and good times with you..... What other reason do you need?

18. "Because I love you" I do not mind if all my walls come crumbling down... You are here with me; that is the only reassurance I need...

19. I have been waiting on you for decades now... This is only possible because I love you...

20. I would take on any obstacle... Any harmful object... Anything in particular.... "because I love you."

21. Ever since you came into my life, you have replaced my tears with joy, my mourning with dancing, my bad luck with good luck... I will never be able to refund you, but I will show you the best of me "because I love you."

22. My life has not remained the same. It has changed positively, and this is only "because I love you."

23. My heart races anytime I see you... It beats uncontrollably... I do not know why... Maybe it is "because I love you

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