
Love Quotes You Can Send That Special One: Inspirational Love Quotes That Sink

Sending love quotes to important people in your life is necessary, make it a point of duty.

1. Because I loved you, I felt alive every day, I felt more alive loving you; the day I stop loving you is the day I start dying...

2. Many times, I wished I could be your sky; I will watch over you every passing day.

3. Would it be wrong to call you an angel? Only angels come into your life and make you happy every time just as you have done with me.

4. She called me the next morning asking me to come be with her; I repliedI am at your door, I never left....”

5. Because I love you, I have lived longer than I expected... Will you be here so I can live forever?

6. people get stuck on other people because they think they love them –I am glad I am stuck on you cos I know I love you...

7. Love is blind for many people, but my love for you is real and visible...

8. People fall in love and can no longer find themselves, with you I found myself when I fell in love with you...

9. would you be mine? I have seen my better half...

10. I do not wanna leave your light... I just might stumble into darkness...

11. The world would be a better place if more people like you existed... I am still thankful you are one of a kind...

12. Be sure to shut the door to your heart.  This place is filled up already...

13. Could there be a flower more beautiful than you? Alternatively, can there be silver than shines brighter than you? Tell me... I have not seen one...

14. you are one in a million because you are sufficient for me...

15. My heart pounds when I look at her... It is the only moment I am sure that I am alive

16. Everything about you is pleasant... Even the first time you called out my name

17. Remind me not to break any promises I have made you my love, to prevent my heart from breaking too

18. I see the stars every night... They look the same... When you came into my life, they shined brighter...

19. Would you mind if I call you mine? My Instant... My next... My End...

20. When you smile... My heart also smiles... Please do not stop smiling...

21. Everything you do... You amaze me... I am truly amazed at how perfect you are ...

22. I do not need to be cautioned when loving you... How can you warn yourself from the best thing that has ever happened to you?

23. Would you marry me? That is the only guarantee that you are mine forever...

24. As the sky remains constant irrespective of the change in weather, so will my love for you be...

25. Keep talking... Don't stop...My heart is dancing to the Rhyme...

26. I had always given love... Never thought I deserved to be loved...
27. When you walked into my life... I was determined for you not to stay... Now I am about to shut the door, so you do not leave...

Lovequote.com.ng is created solely to make love affairs firm and rancor free. The platform is fortified with love quotes, love messages, love poems, and birthday messages.