
Beautiful Love Messages That Tell Her She is Yours

Is she yours? How did you know? Tell her with this beautiful love messages that you cannot do without him or her. Sending a loving letter of this kind is key. Try it now!


Beautiful Love Messages That Tell Her She is Yours


1. I will do anything just for your sake, I will fight anything and anyone just to be with you.....you are mine and no one else's.


2. Baby, I am not obsessed with you... It is true your love is intoxicating... I am rather territorial...


3. I have a flower in my garden that every man wants to pluck because of it is a beauty...


4. My best option is to guard it with everything I have... Guard it with my life... In this case, that flower is you...


5. I am trying to tell you now that I will wait a thousand years if I have to have you as my darling... A thousand years is not all I can wait for...


6. When you are mine, I will have to start work... I will have to make sure that you remain mine forever...


7. This is a text to my one in a million... The only significant person and explanation in my life...


8. I knew you were mine from the start; I became yours when you let me be your first man...

9. Now that I think about it... I have not laughed this much with tears crumbling down my eyes in a while..... What did you do to me? Why is it impossible for me to stay apart from you for a second.... I want you here with me baby... Always.

10. Make me the doorway to your heart, body, spirit and soul.... When I come in no one else comes in ever...

11. I do not want you to be frightened of anything or anyone... I will challenge anyone for your sake...

12. Spare me a little more time honey, and you will no longer give your attention to the ones who crave it besides me...

13. A friend asked me today why her? I replied.... Have I known one better??

14. Besides me and me and me... There should be no other... For I am a jealous partner...

15. You came into my life and shined bright on me, how can I let you leave? I do not ever want to experience darkness...

16. Can you do this for me? Help me with a whisper of prayer... That God seals your heart towards me and for me...

17. Everything I own and everything I am is due to your love and affection towards me... Please share in this joy, or I will never be happy alone for as long as I live.

18. I promise you heaven on earth, as I know there are some places I have never been to, I will go there for you if need be...

19. This is a letter to my love begging her to stay so I can live. Someone I have given my heart to... How can a man live without his heart?

20. Would it be a crime if I told you that you could not go anywhere... Anywhere from me... I love you, and I need you to stay with me always...

21. This is not a threat... However, I'll die without you in my life... That is how much my life is connected to you...

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