
November Born Birthday messages: Birthday Wishes

November is solely for those who would make it. If you have a friend born in November, send any of this birthday messages or wishes to him.
Birthday is worth being celebrated with millions especially when the person in question is a friend indeed.
November Born Birthday messages: Birthday Wishes

1. You are strong, you are smart, you are beautiful, you are profound, you are courteous, words are simply not enough to describe you, I pray for you that the mercy and peace of God will continue to be with you in everything that you do. Happy birthday my love.

2. One of the things I respect about you is your ability to remain calm, even in the worst of situations; your calm nature baffles me. You are a sweet guy, and I am proud that I know you and you are a very important part of my life. Today is your day, you should break a leg. You deserve that and more.

3. I truly believe that Queens are born in this month of November, you are an already made queen, you are subtle,, you are ambitious and coz of you zeal to always work hard, many people have felt blessed and are still feeling blessed to have had you close to them. Happy birthday my baby boo.

4. Please make sure there is a cake left for me, as I send this message, my heart, body, spirit and soul prays for you that you will shine in the midst of others, you will excel in all your endeavors and whatever you put your hand into will turn into gold. Have a blessed birthday celebration: you are still the best.

5. No matter what I go through on this earth, I am confident that I will come out well because you are by my side, I will not miss this opportunity ever to tell you just how happy I am that you are celebrating today. I also celebrate with you with joy and gladness in my heart. I wish you everything you wish yourself today and always.

6. November born have zeal, have kindness in their hearts, like peacemaking, ambitious and are risk takers: this is a definition of you. You are very beautiful and very attractive, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I wish you a very happy birthday.

7. I tell myself always that I do not deserve a damsel like you in my life that I do not deserved to be loved this way, and this it true. You have been with me through everything in my life and I am grateful that you are here with me. I love you big honey. Happy birthday to you my darling..

8. Happy birthday honey. That is all I really wish to say, as my spirit has prayed for you and I am sure the heavens have heard me, so if I were you, I will sit tight and receive the blessings that are about to come.

9. Happy birthday to a big brother, a good friend, a confidant, a companion, a partner in crime. Words cannot express just how much you mean to me. You are loved always. November is the third ember month, which is a special month, and it could ever only be for a special person like you.

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