
Rich Valentines Messages For Your Love: Love Day SMS

It is valentine, sending a message of love to the one you are desperately in love with is not good and rewarding. Find any meaning one here:

Rich Valentines Messages For Your Love

Rich Valentines Messages For Your Love: Love Day SMS

1. Hey baby girl, it is yet another season of love; our love has sustained through the trials and hurdles we have overcome it all, apart from this we have managed to tolerate each other even in the worst cases, my love for you knows no bounds, I know that my joy and happiness is as a result of your love in my life and I am using this time to inform you that I love you everyday just as I love you today.

2. Occasionally I think when I look back on all the wrongs and mistakes I had as boyfriend's in the past, I came out of each one thinking there was no good out there for me neither was there lobe out there for me, but you came along and suddenly you became my special one and last. You helped me redeem myself in many ways and I could not think of a better way to say that I adore you.

3. My love for you knows is boderless, my love for you is more than any human could comprehend with a normal brain. My love for Younis stronger and stronger each passing day, I am filled with a blessing called you. You have a way of working your magic whenever I see you. I would surely be a fool to let you go.

4. If someone ever told me that I would find so much peace on this earth I would most likely not consent to that ideoly. I would like to ask a simple question, how do you have a way of making me feel safe and bold and peaceful whenever I'm around you? You are truly a blessing to me, the best gift I ever received from heaven and I would be damned to lose you or hurt you in any way.

5. Be mindful of the people who come around you, be mindful of the people you share with, I would never forgive anyone who puts ill thoughts about me in your head. I cannot lose you, you are my life and I'll spend the rest of my days proving how true that is. On this special occasion, I only want to let you know that I love you dearly, I love you beyond what words can describe.

6. My man is the best on there is to have, my man is the reason for my ever present smile, my man is the reason I am proud to be someone's, you are a special being, you are a crazy one too, but I must confess that is why I love you so much. I love you honey and in case you have forgotten all that, I'm using this day as a reminder that my love for you is ever present.

7. You are my man, you are my boss, you are my friend, you are my troublesome dude, you are the one who makes me laugh more, who helps in drying my tears, who teaches me that I can be what I want to be, you are my personal trainer and my very good cook. You are many things packed in one thing. Means you are everything to me. I love you today and always.

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