If you care
about someone, or want people to know you are seriously in love, send in a love
poems heart cannot resist any time.
A time will
come when the love we have for someone will diminish, to replenish, requires
sending a loving poem that people will commend.
1. Goodnight Love Poems For Your Man
Goodnight to
my man, my lover,
I love you is
what I should say.
But I cherish
you is what I will rather say,
Stars and
moon cannot be compared to you.
Your love for
me is everlasting,
You fill my
fays with brighter things,
You render
help to me,
Even in my
bad states.
You are just
so good,
And I do not
have words to say,
That would
exactly describe you.
You are perfect,
and radiant,
And good and
I love you
today, now and forever,
I always want
to be with you,
With joy and gladness
in my heart.
2. Goodnight Love Poem For Friends
Many times I
tend to wonder,
Why I have
someone like you in my life,
There is no
answer for that.
I am not well
to do,
I am most
times very crazy and unbearing.
I am just
this crazy girl along the way,
And then you
came and changed that.
You changed
everything about me,
You filled my
heart with so much joy.
You came just
like an angel,
And changed
everything in my life.
I really do
not have much to say,
Goodnight to
the love of my life,
To the one
who has brought joy to my heart.
3. Goodnight Love Poem For Him
People think
I could be going crazy,
With just how
much I have come to love you.
People see me
as the crazy girl,
Who loves a
sane guy,
Your love for
me is crazy,
It is wild
and makes me go crazy.
I could never
live a moment without you,
This night is
joyous for us,
And for
everyone who knows our love story.
Many day of
every year, I will say goodnight to you,
This night
brings such good memories,
I love you
honey, and I can only say,
Goodnight to
you my baby,
I love you.
4. Short Goodnight Love Poem
Mountains and
blue skies all look beautiful,
But nothing
is as beautiful as your love for me.
Your love has
beauty embedded in it,
It is not
wicked, neither is it harsh.
It makes
everything so beautiful for me.
Before I go
today, can you take this from me,
Goodnight to
you my darling lover,
I love you beyond
what words could possibly express.
I love you to
the moon and back,
I love you
without hesitations.
I love you
and I love that you are for me,
No one else would
take your place,
No matter
what happens.
I am saying a
happy and blessed night,
To my heart
5. Sweet Dream Love Poem
Could I ever
replace you with anyone?
Could I ever
love anyone the way you love me?
My words will
never be enough to appreciate you,
But I will in
my actions.
I'll show you
how much love you,
I'll show you
that I want you,
And only you.
This love
story will be told round the world.
For reference
Goodnight to
you the love of my life.
I call you
that to let the world know,
that you are
mine and mine only.
I would have
no other besides you.
With joy in
my heart, I congratulate you.
For seeing
this beautiful night with me,
I love you
truly today,
And all the
days of your life.
Goodnight to
you my baby.
Ever try
sending love poems to her? Then these should motivate you.
Women enjoy
love poems for her, when you think it is over any night, send goodnight love
poem to him or her.