Appreciate people with these quotes, and develop reasons for them to be more beloved to you than before.
1. “I am not just in love with you, I have decided to give you my everything.”
2. “Stand not without me, come around me. I am in love with you.”
3. Since I gave my heart to you, I have not had a sleepless night.”
4. “Your limitation is my blessing, your action is my turn around. I love you.”
5. “My love for you is with reasons, these make me love you more.”
6. “Having you now is a remarkable destiny. Don’t ever say you are going!”
7. “Cannot say I don’t love you again, I do. My love for you is special.”
8. “Please tell the world that I love you, but don’t let them know why, so they won’t distract our affection.”
9. “In my heart lies your takeoff point, let me begin to bid you a safe journey.”
10. “Sometimes, I can’t say you are not with me because I feel your presence with every step I take.”
11. “My thought ended up being yours; I am yours in everything.”
12. “Through thick and thin, I accepted to be with you. When everything falls apart, I think of you.”
13. “Come to my rescue and don’t leave me alone to my problems. I love you.”
14. “I pray for you and you alone when I wake up. When you progress, I am also successful.”
15. “Create a time and a place for you and me alone.”
16. “Calculate the time we spent together, and judge it with the progress we make. We are successful.”
17. “At the end of everything, if it remains you and me alone, I am fulfilled.”
18. “Trying time involves two of us finding solutions to the problem of the world. Let’s do it.”
19. “I am yours in everything; I cannot do without you. Do you know?”
20. “To you is all I have, make my heart work and not overdo.”