The one you love is hyper awesome, find any love
quotes and send to him or her.
Cute Love Quotes Hearts Do Not Resist
1. Love is such a nice thing because I feel it with you it is the best thing that could ever happen to any man on earth.
2. I have a clear
view of what love is like for the first time in my life coz of you.
3. I can go through
this life knowing that some people and things can be bad; but there is still
one amazing person by my side, so I do not have to worry about anything.
4. I truly love you
beyond what anyone says about you, you are the owner of my heart.
5. I cherish you like
no man has ever done; I beg to worship at your feet, coz you are like priceless
6. I do not flatter
you with my words, but all I know is that you are beautiful and I do not think
I will ever stop saying it.
7. You are the best
woman for me, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are just
so gracious to look on.
8. I do not have any
problem with loving you for as long as I live. It is my duty and I have made it
my responsibility for life.
9. I’m gonna fight
for you, until my heart stops beating even then I will fight for you.
10. I will go through
the worst things of life on this planet earth just to be with you. You are the
woman for me alone.
11. I love you so
much my darling, I love you beyond your imagination, you just have to believe
me so much honey.
12. I need no one to
tell me what exactly I need with you; I need nothing else outside your
jurisdiction. I love you truly.
Short Love Quotes For Him Or Her
13. No one knows just how much I adore you, they feel I have just loved again; the truth is I have found the best of love.
14. We do not have a
clear idea of what will happen in the future, but I am sure that my future is
bright with you in it.
15. With you
everything just keeps getting better and better, it does because I am with you.
I love you truly.
16. I do not know exactly
what would come out of this, but I have no worries as long as I am with you,
nothing else matters.
17. You are good,
careful and I have you, I need nothing more, and this is coz I have you.
18. You are my limit
when I am going bad or high on doing bad things. You cub my bad habits and make
me out to be a better person.
19. Anything you want
on this earth is yours; I am yours so you should take me and take all of me
with you.
20. This life is the
best one to experience because you are in it with me. I do love you honey and I
have no explanations.